Wednesday 30 March 2016

Multicultural Literacy

Image found here

Hey everyone!

 For today's blog, I decided to focus on a 21st century literacy that I am very passionate about- multicultural literacy. Although we know all of the 21st century literacies are very important, there is something even more important within this literacy that children need to be learning about.

Multicultural literacy strives to focus on all the different cultures, joining them together in unity, in order to strengthen equality and diversity. This is a ver big thing within Canada, as Canada is known to be multicultural, therefore, there is a strong desire to have this be taught within classrooms to children.

I believe that multicultural literacy needs to be implemented within classrooms in order to teach children about different cultures, races and their traditions. This would be very crucial in order to minimize racism, stereotypes and bullying within classrooms, providing a safer and fun learning environment.

This would also create a more inclusive classroom, which very beneficial for student's individual and academic growth. This would help bring the students closer to each other and towards their teacher, which will help strengthen the relationships made within the classroom and help them in regards to how they act socially and towards their school experience/work.
Image found here

Teaching multicultural literacy also helps the teachers learn from their students, which is another important component. You get to learn from the students' and their views/opinions on things and it helps the teacher grow as an educator. It will help the teacher in regards to knowing how to teach this to his/her future classes and what worked well or what went wrong, in order to improve for the next years to come.

I would definitely incorporate this within my future classroom, as I would want to teach my children about the different races, cultures, ethnicities and traditions of the world, especially since some of my students will most probably be from different races. It is great for children to be educated on this and it will help solve issues in regards to how children are treated, lessening the stereotypes, bullying, stigma, etc.

Link found here

Here's a cute little video about teaching children about multicultural literacy and why it's important!

What do you think about this literacy? Would you incorporate this within your future classroom?

Thursday 17 March 2016

Inquiry Based Learning

      Hey friends!

    For today's blog I figured I would focus on inquiry based learning and all the elements that go alongside of that. To me, inquiry based learning is very crucial for young learners. It allows children to think critically and to question things. I believe that questioning things we are learning about is the best way for children to learn. It helps them to better understand what they are learning and to explore the topic more, seeing how much more they can learn on the topics/lessons being taught.

Image found here
With being a future teacher, I would really want to emphasize inquiry based learning throughout my classroom. It allows the students to learn different thinking skills and even problem solving skills, which are very beneficial to use throughout the rest of their education or in their every day lives.

What I think is so cool about inquiry based learning, is that the teacher allows the students to be responsible and take charge in what they are trying to look at. The students are the active participants and researchers who are trying to explore further understanding and knowledge on the topics being discussed and taught within the classroom. This type of learning (inquiry based) allows the students to never stop learning, as they are constantly questioning things they are learning and from that they learn new things.

Image found here

I believe that the teacher's putting their trust in the students is a great thing and I believe that students have the potential to go very far fro this type of learning.

What do you all think to this type of learning for students? Will it benefit the children more? What are some advantages towards this type of learning?

Overall, I believe that it is great that the student's can take charge in learning, as long as the teacher makes sure they stay on track and don't take things too far to the point where it gets complicated and confusing. Questioning things within learning is great, it helps strengthen the understanding in which they will remember and carry out through the rest of their years within school/their futures.

     Thanks for reading! Here's a little video on Inquiry Based learning for you all to enjoy!