Tuesday 22 September 2015

Knowing Your Students

     While reading Drake, Reid and Kolohon (2014)'s chapter, I came across a section within the chapter that discussed about teachers knowing their students and how to know their students, which really intrigued me.

     As I read more in depth about teachers knowing their students, it made me realize just how important it is, and how many different fundamental components there are in order for a teacher to actually "know" their students. I found this really interesting to read and think about, especially as I'm studying to become a future teacher. It made me really think of past experiences I've had with a few teachers and the affects it had on me and my learning.

     I have had only one extraordinary teacher that did fulfill all of the components mentioned through Drake et al., (2014)'s chapter. This teacher showed his compassion for each student and their learning/potential. He dedicated a good amount of time to each student, making sure they understood everything, provided differentiated instruction and ways for us to display what we had learned and was a constant motivator for us to push ourselves. He liked knowing what our interests were and observing how we learned and working off of our strengths and weaknesses with each and every one of us. This type of teacher, who genuinely cared about his students and their learning/success truly inspired me to be just like him when I become a teacher, and proved to me that this type of teacher-student relationship is most beneficial and important for the teacher to learn from the students and the students learn from the teacher and also feel important and respected.


     But, with saying that, I have unfortunately had too many teachers in the past who did not seem to care about my peers and I, and you could clearly tell they were just doing their job for the money and benefits (as bad as that sounds)- not to actually help us learn and succeed. They did not care to know anything about us, how we best learned, our strengths and weaknesses or anything that Drake et al., (2014)'s chapter suggested. This made me become not as interested in the class or pushing myself as much, because I felt like the teacher would not have cared if I did a great job or an average job. It definitely put me down.
                                                                                                        https://www.google.ca/url?          sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAcQjRxqFQoTCKbSqpHqi8gCFYN2PgodbjQCTw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F151715081168600258%2F&psig=AFQjCNEB1KSdtIJs5XUAiWqgP96tvGseqw&ust=1443052101232108

    These past experiences really opened my eyes and justified all of the components that Drake et al., (2014) stated in their chapter about how important it is for teachers to know their students, as it all affects the student and their learning/success.

    Reflecting on another article I read, Reed, Banks and Carlisle (2004) also discussed the importance of teachers knowing their students' learning in terms of knowing their best learning style, and having the teacher recognize that the way they teach/learn may not be the same way their students learn. So with saying this, the teachers need to know/learn about their students in order to provide the best learning style for what best suits them, helping them succeed. 


     Below is a video I found of a student expressing the difference it makes when teachers take the time to actually get to know you and take interest in your interests. 

     In conclusion, I truly believe that teachers getting to know their students is crucial for their teacher-student relationship and for the students' learning. Students tend to do better in school and their work when they know their teacher takes an interest and cares about them and their education. And with saying this, the more the teacher learns about the student, whether it be their interests, how they learn, their strengths/weaknesses, etc., the more the student will want to learn, work hard and will succeed.


Drake, S. M., Reid, J. L., & Kolohon, W. (2014). Interweaving Curriculum and Classroom Assessment: Engaging
           the 21Century Learner. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.

Reed, J. A., Banks, A. L., & Carlisle, C.S. (2004). Knowing Me, Knowing Who? Getting to Know Your Students'
         Preferred Learning Style. Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 15(4), 25.

Just Listen: Youth Talk About Learning. (Producer). (2011, August 25). Just Listen: Get to Know Your Students.
         Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEu-eQELPOI